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Pictures of Pirate Flags, Pirate Flag Pictures, Pirate Flags Pictures

Pirate's Realm logo, pictures of pirate flags, pirate flag pictures, pirate flags pictures

Emmanuel Wynne is often given credit for starting the Jolly Roger craze around 1700 with his skull and crossbones on a classic black background, accompanied by an hourglass image. The forerunner had been a white cross on a black flag. You are swimming upstream against popular culture and Hollywood swashbucklers to find the truth about the most well-known of pirate symbols. The principal fact is that this flag in all its variety was only flown for around 20 years during the height of the Golden Age of piracy, and even then, almost exclusively by pirates of British descent. For more information, visit our main Pirate Flags page.

Now at The Pirate's Realm! You can now buy many of these real pirate flags.
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to view the complete selection. OR - Click any pirate flag picture for more purchase info.

Black Bart flag 1, pictures of pirate flags,  pirate flags pictures
Black Bart 1
Black Bart flag 2,pirate flags pictures, pictures of pirate flags
Black Bart 2
Blackbeard's Flag
Calico jack's Flag
Calico Jack
Christopher Condent flag
Christopher Condent
Christopher Moody flag
Christopher Moody
Edward England flag
Edward England
Edward Low flag
Ed Low
Emanuel Wynne flag
Emanuel Wynne
Henry Every black flag
Henry Every black
Henry Every red flag
Henry Every red
Richard Worley flag
Richard Worley
Thomas Tew flag
Thomas Tew
Walter Kennedy flag
Walter Kennedy
Stede Bonnet flag
Stede Bonnet

Pictures of Pirate Flags, Pirate Flag Pictures, Pirate Flags Pictures

Pirate Flag Clipart | Jolly Roger- Wikipedia | Pirate Flag Symbols-
Pirate flag pictures |
The Pirate's Realm